Why Every Mom-to-Be Should Brace Herself

“Congratulations” is so pleasant to hear as a new mom. However, the people patting your shoulder have no idea what the hell you just entered. Anyway, babies are magical; we can’t refute that. When you see a new mom flaunting her baby on social media, don’t think it’s all superb.

Being a new mom comes with a lot to endure. I guess that’s where the ‘strength of a woman’ originates.

Imagine being responsible for a little human being for the first time. Scary, right?

There are things you won’t be told. As you prepare to mother someone, I should probably prepare you for tough times ahead. Once you know what’s coming your way, you may know what to do in advance.

Photo Of New Born Baby Covered With Blue Blanket

      What You Should Know Before Becoming a Mom

Here are a few things that may help you in your preparation for your coming baby. Dive in.

  • Babies Wake Up When You Sleep

Unapologetically, your baby will have the guts to wake up in the middle of the night. Guess what? You won’t have any option than to wake up too. Just when you’ve finally caught some sleep, they let out a scream.

I always think newborns are nocturnal, just like geckos and other reptiles. Sounds harsh, right? But trust me, they deserve this. No sane human being sleeps during the day and stays awake all night. Worse still, they stay awake, crying!

  • Babies poo Immediately You Change Their Diapers.

This experience is awful. What hurts most is that the baby will stare at you with their cute innocent eyes, and you won’t do anything to punish them. Changing diapers filled with poop is quite a job. Imagine doing this twice within 10 minutes.

You have to be ready for this. The situation worsens when the baby starts teething, accompanied by diarrhea. But anyway, you’ll get through this.

  • Your Nipples May Crack

Pain doesn’t end in the delivery room. Your nipples can turn against you before you know it. Suckling exerts a lot of tension on the nipples, causing them to crack. The baby doesn’t know that. They’ll still grab them just when they’re trying to heal. It’s like squeezing a healing wound.

Although people recommend lanolin nipple cream, you better know early enough that nothing works. The only remedy is to accept the pain for a few days, and then you can breastfeed happily.

  • Babies Fall Without Warning

No sane mother ever wants her baby to drop on the ground like an apple from the tree. Nevertheless, it still happens. It can be so devastating, and most moms will always feel guilty.

You can prevent your baby from falling. But just like an accident, it’s inevitable. The curiosity in the little one’s head will drive it to its fall immediately you look aside.

  • They’re Always Hungry

At birth, the baby’s stomach has the size of a grape. They get full fast and get hungry even faster. This means you’ll take more of your time as a new mom feeding your baby.

Don’t be surprised if they cry every 30 minutes. They also pee a lot, remember. So you have no option but to keep refilling their stomachs.


Freaking out already? Don’t worry. Millions of women have already gone through that. You’ve got this. These inconveniences are still manageable and just know you’ll get through them. The cute little angels are certainly worth the trouble.

Published by Robby Elima

Robby is a freelance content writer who enjoys reading and writing blog posts. She likes writing about babies, digital marketing,freelancing, home improvement, health and fitness, pets, and gardening. She is also a Biomedical Engineering student at Kenyatta University, Kenya.

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